Impostor Syndrome In Women In Tech: Breaking The Glass Ceiling of Doubt

Experiencing something you cannot explain is a common occurrence for many people. For a long time, medical science wasn’t able to explain most of the things experienced this way. One of the commonest examples, people often face, is known as an impostor syndrome. Basically, it is an emotion that makes individuals don’t appreciate the success they achieved. Instead, they constantly believe they are not worthy of success, and sometimes, they might consider themselves frauds.

In most cases, it is developed under pressure. It is common among young people when they start working on a complex project. If you want to learn how to overcome imposter syndrome, check here. Also, we will analyze more about this topic in the following article.

Main Features


While this is not described as a mental illness, this issue can lead to many problems in the career. First of all, one of the main features is the feeling of being less capable of dealing with various tasks. Also, a person dealing with it will often feel fear and self-doubt. Individuals that experience this sort of problem believe that whatever they achieve is a result of circumstances, luck, even deception. They literally feel like they have robbed someone off success for their benefit.

People who are experiencing this issue tend to think that they don’t have the right abilities and knowledge. For example, getting a job and working there for months or even years, and still thinking that you only got lucky instead of being more confident. Such feelings can lead to anxiety, lack of self-esteem, lack of motivation for further improvement, and more.

When we look at the women working in the tech industry, it may be easier to understand how common this issue is.  Women in tech often face unique challenges, including stereotypes, bias, and a lack of representation. Even when they are equally treated, the fact is that there are still more men working in this field, with over 60%.

Also, when we check the statistics related to higher roles and salaries, we notice that men often gain more benefits. Still, it is crucial for women who are experiencing this to understand that only through effort and gaining more skills and experience can they achieve more as professionals. On the other side, thinking that you are less capable will often represent a barrier that you are creating by yourself.

How To Deal With This Problem?


Dealing with this syndrome is not as simple as some may think. The first step is to start working on confidence. You can try to determine your skills, but also things that you can improve, along with your weaknesses. Focus on weaknesses is especially good since that will help you gain a clear picture of your skills.

Also, it will help you understand that there is no need to think that you are not capable enough for a job you are already doing. The next step is to recognize that you really have this condition. For example, if you are afraid of new projects, and you feel anxiety every time someone with a higher role in your company wants to have a conversation.

Staying silent is never a good option. Share your feelings with trusted friends, family members, or colleagues. Opening up about your struggles can be liberating and might reveal that others have similar experiences. If none of that is helping, there is professional support available. You can hire someone who will act as a mentor and help you determine the main reasons for having this issue.

Furthermore, a great way to feel more secure is to start thinking more about your achievements. Even if you are surrounded by colleagues who are more experienced, have better roles, or have higher salaries, that does not mean that you don’t have the same abilities. Besides that, failing to deal with some tasks is not a sign of your incompetence. You should try to change the way you approach failures and learn more from them. That is the only way to improve yourself and gain more confidence.

On the other hand, you will need more courage as well. If you are acting like a person with lower self-esteem, some people might try to exploit that. For example, some of your colleagues could start teasing you, or to give you only demanding and boring tasks, without letting you show your real capabilities.


It is crucial to learn how to act in this situation. You must stand for yourself and show more effort. Shift your focus from self-doubt to the value you bring to your work or projects. Concentrate on your positive impact on your team or the organization, and recognize your unique skills and perspectives.

The environment can have a huge impact on people with this problem. The key is to work in a positive environment where people will always try to help and motivate each other. If you simply don’t like the surrounding people in your company, and that is one of the main reasons for feeling less capable, maybe the best solution would be to apply for another job.

The essential part is to never compare yourself to others. Also, when you are dealing with negative thoughts, you should start questioning them instead of letting them affect you. Besides that, try to be real. Focus on your previous achievements, and try to set some clear goals for the future. When you are aware of your good sides and skills, you will be able to deal with the Impostor Syndrome as well.

Final Thoughts


As you can see, this issue can be quite struggling for women working on demanding positions. There is a stigma where men are simply more capable in the tech industry. However, that is far from being true, especially when we know that more and more women are working on the same positions in recent years. In that matter, all you need to do is to become more realistic, and to set clear goals that will help you stay aware of your real skills and potential.